Monday, February 6, 2012

Day Two

Hey guys! Ah, the day has finally come where we are ready to meet our first guest speaker of this course. To my surprise, there was no speaker at all! The realization only hit me when there was ten minutes left of class and that there was no way that Professor Relish would be able to talk to us today. No wonder my friends from first semester said the guest speaker was really "animated". One of them was anticipating my reaction as well, which all makes sense now because the guest speaker was make-believe! I was actually very excited to see him! Nevertheless, Mr. Chung introduced the Murder Mystery assignment with a very creative style. Right when I got home, I got right to work with the karotyping and along the way, I realized my strong interest in this subject area: Forensic Science! I found it hard trying to switch to my Calculus homework because I wanted to continue with the Murder Mystery until I found out who the suspect was! I don't know who the suspect is yet, but at the moment, I can say that Captain Relish seems to be Thomas Sandstone in disguise. I hope I didn't ruin that for anyone. Anyway, this is what I learned today.

Facts of the Day:
*Cells are frozen and then dropped to acquire their chromosomes. 
*Scientists become famous through publications.
*Mendel became famous through the publication of his diary.
*Having your work published in Nature magazine means that your work is worthy in the science world. You could also be famous in science history one day. 

I'll end off today's message with a note.

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