Monday, February 6, 2012

Day One Facts of the Day!

Facts of the Day for Day Number One:
*Whales evolved from dogs.
*Dolphins and dogs have similar behaviour because dolphins also evolved from dogs. 
*Dinosaurs are birds. 
*Mitochondria have two layers of membrane to absorb as much nutrients(?) as they can because they are the powerhouse of the cell.  
*Cells reproduce by splitting because at one point, they will have too much inside their membrane for the membrane to absorb nutrients efficiently. By splitting one cell into two, more surface area is exposed allowing for a more efficient absorbing effect. 
*Plants make their own food and get nutrients from the soil. 
*Our kidneys are located at the back of our body by the spinal cord. 
*Adrenal- ad means "top", and renal means "kidney", therefore adrenal means "the top of the kidney".

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