Saturday, May 12, 2012

Density-dependent and Density-independent Factors of

Oh Deer! Simulation

The activity that was done this past Thursday was implemented to enhance the idea of density-dependent and density-independent factors within a population.

The main idea of the activity consisted of both deer and resources i.e. water, food, and shelter.
We started off with two deer at one end of the field and many resources at the other end. In the beginning the two deer nonchalantly chose the resources they wanted because there was an abundance of resources. However, as the number of deer increased and the available amount of resources decreased, there was competition between the deer population. This is known as intraspecific competition.

A density-dependent  factor is a factor that influences population regulation and is more evident when the population density increases or decreases. The examples that were shown in the simulation included the competition of resources between the deer as the deer population increased as well as predation.

A density-independent factor is a factor that influences population regulation regardless of population density. Several examples that were shown in the simulation included a forest fire, a drought, and a flood.

After several rounds of repeating the same process in which the deer would gather its resources, and incorporating the several different density-dependent and density-independent factors, the population of the deer species became extinct. It goes to show that too much of one certain factor will result in negative consequences. So there must always be a balance of numbers within all the species.

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Pyruvate Oxidation and Kreb's Cycle

Takes place in the mitochondrial matrix
C= carbon

STEP 1:  pyruvate (3 C) -->acetyl CoA (2 C)
What's happening? 
1 carbon is cleaved -->becomes CO2, and NAD+-->NADH + H+

STEP 2: acetyl CoA (2 C) + oxaloacetate (4 C)--> citrate 

STEP 3: citrate (6 C)-->isocitrate (6 C)
What's happening?

STEP 4: isocitrate (6 C)--> alpha-ketoglutarate (5 C)
What's happening?
Decarboxylation--> CO2 is produced, and NAD+-->NADH + H+

STEP 5: alpha-ketoglutarate (5 C)-->succinyl CoA (4 C)
What's happening?
CoA is used and dumped 
Decarboxylation--> CO2 is produced, and NAD+--> NADH + H+

STEP 6: succinyl CoA (4 C)--> succinate (4 C)
What's happening?
CoA is used and dumped
Substrate-level Phosphorylation--> ADP + Pi--> ATP

 STEP 7: succinate (4 C)-->fumarate (4 C)
What's happening?

STEP 8: fumarate (4 C)--> malate (4 C)
What's happening?
H2O is added 

STEP 9: malate (4 C)--> oxaloacetate (4 C)
What's happening?
NAD+ --> NADH + H+

2 CO2

4 CO2

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Photosynthesis and Cellular Respiration

Here, we have photos of the process of photosynthesis and cellular respiration interrelated with one another. The time spent on displaying these two processes together was a learning experience both academically and personally. This activity was done in silence with all class members where we were to use any other means of communication besides talking. This experiment proves that leaders must also be good listeners within a team because some members of the team may have brilliant ideas as well. If talking was implemented, those ideas may not be expressed because the ideas or decisions of "the leader(s)" of the group would override the ideas of those members that do not like to speak up.